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Karen Zich Reiss

Karen Zich Reiss

"Students sometimes tell me that I teach them how to see, and once they start seeing they ask questions, and I help them develop the language, concepts, and skills to focus their questions and get meaningful answers."

Jon Pedicino
Jon Pace

Jon Pace

"Mathematics is one way we can better understand the world we live in. Our world is full of complicated systems that are constantly changing, and modeling these systems with mathematics provides us with insight into how the system works and how our interactions with the systems may affect both the system and ourselves."

Maria Morrow

Maria Morrow

"Learning is about exploration. We should all be amazed at every waking moment at how bizarre and beautiful this planet is! I want my students to be able to think of and explore scientific questions to better understand the world around them."

Michelle Haggerty

Michelle Haggerty

"Psychology is a discipline that is ever evolving, based on how we can examine the human experience. I try to model a curious and critical analysis of the discipline for students. My current interests in Psychology include Neuroplasticity, the biological and evolutionary bases for behavior, creativity and psychology, and sex and gender."

Contact Us

Division Information

Math and Sciences Division

 Peter Blakemore, Dean

 Brynn Allen, Administrative Secretary

 MS Division Office, Science 100

  2023 College of the Redwoods